_Date_16_06_98_______________ / \ - G-E-N-E-T-I-C S-P-E-C-I-E-S - \_____________________________/ GSAddOn_Engine.lha ------------------ Contents: This ReadMe.txt GeneticSpecies.exe (v4420) Place the GeneticSpecies.exe into your official "GSAddOns" directory! What's New? ----------- 1) This Engine now recognises any CD device driver and any unit number. 2) The display window in large CyberGfx screens will now be centered. In "Single Buffer" mode this feature does not take any extra time so if you have a graphics board, give it a go! What's Next? ------------ 3) RTG Workbench Window. \________________________________________________________________ \ Keep Checking the official Genetic Species Pages for more updates.\ \ Vulcan Software Limited: www.vulcan.co.uk \ Marble-Eyes Development: www.marble-eyes.dk \ _______________________________________________ / \ - Still haven't got the Genetic Species CD-Rom? - - ORDER NOW! - - U.K. Credit Card Hotline +44 (0)1162 463 800 - \_______________________________________________/